Thermory Insider Area Terms of Use

Welcome to Thermory Insider Area, a website operated by Thermory AS (“We”) at (the “Insider Area”) with the purpose of providing our international network of distribution partners with a comprehensive and evolving branding toolbox, where you may download Thermory graphics, images, marketing and technical materials, presentations as well as to make an order for point of sales materials or other assets (collectively, the “Assets”).


1.1 We provide access to Insider Area to relevant sales and marketing staff of our partner companies who distribute our products in their respective markets. You may request access by contacting the Thermory Global Marketing team via [email protected]; if we approve your request, we will send your access credentials (the “Credentials”) to you via e-mail.

1.2 The permission to access the Insider Area is personal. You must keep your Credentials confidential and not share them with anyone else. If your colleagues require access, then they must request their own credentials as set out above.

1.3 Your right to access the Insider Area is subject to your unconditional acceptance of and continued compliance with these terms of use (the “Terms”). If you do not accept or follow these Terms, then you shall have no right to use the Insider area, and we may suspend or cancel your Credentials without warning.

1.4 By accessing the Insider Area, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms and agree to be bound by them; you also acknowledge that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy.


2.1 The Assets are subject to copyright and/or other intellectual property rights belonging to Thermory and/or its licensors. You may only use each Asset as permitted in the licence terms applicable to that Asset (the “Licence”). Each Licence comprises the general terms set out herein and any special terms provided with the respective Asset. 

2.2 Your right to use of the Assets is subject to your unconditional acceptance of and continued compliance with the licence terms applicable to each individual Asset (each, a “Licence”). If you do not accept a Licence, then you shall have no right to use the relevant Asset.

2.3 You may only use the Assets for the purpose of promoting Thermory branded products.

2.4 You must always follow the rules set out in the most recent version of the Thermory Brand Manual published on the Insider Area.

2.5 You must credit each photo as required in the special terms applicable thereto. Depending on the photo, you may be required to quote the name(s) of the photographer, the architect, the Thermory product and/or the location of the project.

2.6 If the special terms applicable to a photo permit cropping or otherwise modifying it, you must always maintain the central point of interest and strive to alter the original as little as possible.

2.7 You must obtain our approval, in a form at least reproducible in writing, prior to distributing, making available to the public, or publicly displaying the Assets or any works based on the Assets. To request the approval, contact the Thermory Global Marketing team via [email protected].

2.8 Your rights and obligations under the Licence extend equally to your employer or principal (our business partner) and any relevant employees or contractors thereof.


3.1 Modifications. We may modify these Terms, the Thermory Brand Manual, and our Privacy Policy from time to time. When we do so, we make the updated versions available on the Insider Area. If you do not accept the modified Terms, then you must cease using the Insider Area. Any Licences granted before the modification shall remain in force as long as you continue to comply with the terms thereof.

3.2 Governing law. The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Estonia, without regard to its principles regarding conflicts of law.

3.3 Resolution of Disputes. The Parties shall try to resolve all disputes by means of bona fide negotiations. For any disputes that remain unresolved, the parties agree that Harju County Court in Tallinn, Estonia, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any charges brought against us, and non-exclusive jurisdiction over any charges brought against you.